By Angela Wells
As we begin a new year, it’s traditionally the time to look back and reflect on the last year.
Have you blocked out time to reflect on your 2024 recruiting strategy? What worked? What didn’t? Taking a closer look at your successes, challenges, and missed opportunities can set the stage for a stronger 2025. With the job market and workforce expectations constantly evolving, staying ahead means reevaluating your tools, techniques, and overall approach. In this blog, we’ll explore six key areas to assess as you plan for the future—helping you identify what to keep, what to tweak, and what new strategies could take your recruitment efforts to the next level.

Here are our tips to help you review your company’s recruitment strategy and efforts and make adjustments for the year ahead. What was done well, what could be done better, and what are your aspirations for the future?
Analyze and Evaluate the Data
What sourcing efforts produced the best results? Not just quantity, but quality. Where were candidates hired sourced? What led to shorter or longer time to fill statistics? How was the candidate experience – did you get input? How was retention – did anyone hired in the year leave soon after hire?
Review Positive Outcomes
Embrace the wins and reflect on what attributed to the work done well. Communicate appreciation and praise efforts.
Consider Areas to Improve
Be honest about any difficulties. What led to the challenges and where can certain aspects be improved? Which areas are out of your control and where can you have an impact? Were you able to adapt to the market? Are there areas that can be streamlined?
Involve the Team
Get input from those directly involved in your recruiting efforts. What worked for them and what didn’t? What are their ideas for the next year?
Brainstorm and Think Outside of the Box
Is technology or AI an area to consider for the future? Are there outsourced efforts that could support your strategy? Could your team use any training and development? Do you have the resources needed for success in the upcoming year?
Determine Goals for What’s Ahead
What strategies are in place that continue to make sense and where should refining or adapting take place? What roles are projected to have a need to hire? Are you prepared to adjust to any market changes? Ensure your goals are clear and measurable and attainable.
As the year kicks off, it’s easy to get swept up in the rush—but don’t forget to pause and reflect. Taking the time to evaluate your recruiting strategy now can set the tone for a successful year ahead. Where do you stand? What can you improve? By aligning your approach with your team’s needs and organizational goals, you’ll be better equipped to attract top talent and achieve lasting success. Start the new year strong—commit to making thoughtful changes today that will drive results tomorrow.
At TalentRemedy, our industry experts help build tailored recruitment strategies that ensure you hire top talent. We partner with your team to implement effective hiring processes. If you’re looking to strengthen your recruitment approach, our industry experts are ready to help. Contact us at or 703-362-0175 to set up a consultation.