Are you connecting regularly with your team? Do your employees miss their coworkers and the camaraderie of the office? Here are some tips on how to engage with your most valuable asset — your people!

Try to schedule a biweekly video conference call and have a fun theme. Think Hawaiian shirts, color of the week, goofy hats, favorite sports team. Create a virtual ‘Conga Line’ where each person on your team (or on smaller teams) has a virtual call with another member of the group, then that person reaches out to a different member, and so on until every person has been reached. Just to say hi, catch up, and have fun! A quick call — a couple of minutes — nothing long.
See who can come up with the best background for a virtual meeting. Think of themes: most creative, most artistic, most comical, most inviting, most surprising…. you get the idea. Pick a short podcast, TED Talk, or Masterclass (stay away from politics!) that relates to your team, type of business or is simply inspiring and have everyone listen to it. Schedule a quick virtual discussion with your group and count it as training. Your team will remember the little things you do during this pandemic and the fun times shared by all. Build it in to the schedule; we could all use a few laughs.