Interviewing remotely is new territory for many hiring managers and companies. Introducing and utilizing remote interviewing best practices will help to maintain business continuity during this unprecedented time. Utilizing best practices for your remote interviews will make the interview process more effective and efficient for both you and the interviewee and help in hiring the best candidate.
Consider a Shift in Your Interview Structure
Has your typical interview involved inviting candidates to your office introducing them to their future colleagues, seeing their prospective new work environment and getting a feel for your company’s physical surroundings and your company’s culture? If so, we recommend taking additional time during your virtual interview to talk about your company culture, the office environment and about what the prospect of working for your company will look like both now and in the future. This information will give the candidate a good idea of what their office experience will look like when the office reopens as well as a whether your company is a good cultural fit for them. Whether your company actually reopens or prefers to stay in a telework environment culture fit is still critical and should always be discussed. If you have several hiring managers involved in the interview process try to avoid scheduling the interviews back to back. This will assist with virtual interviewing fatigue as well as give the candidate time to think about what they learned during each interview and also formulate additional questions. Also, consider scheduling a group video session with a few potential colleagues. This can be helpful with sharing the dynamics and perspectives of their future colleagues and also help them envision how it would be to work in your organization.
Written Instructions for Candidate
Give the candidate the best chance at success by effectively preparing them for what to expect for the remote interview. We recommend composing an email providing detailed instructions on how to login to the virtual interview, a contact name and number if there is a technical issue, and an interview schedule with all of the hiring managers names and email addresses so the candidate can send thank you notes after the interview.
Timely Feedback
It’s important to provide the candidate with timely feedback after the interview, especially if you’re interested in moving them forward in your interview process or making an offer. If they are actively seeking a new position, they are interviewing with other companies. We recommend putting time on the calendar for all decision makers to connect about the interviews and make a decision quickly once interviews are complete.