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Ask the Expert: How can my organization attract and hire more Veterans?


Each month, we will tackle one of those burning questions that keeps you awake at night or causes heartburn during the day. Our team of experts will help you stay in the know. We'll cover topics like recruiting trends, legislation, workplace issues and more. You'll get information and answers that help you hire and retain top performers.

This month’s question is very timely as we honored our Veterans a few days ago: How can my organization find and attract our military Veterans?

Recruiting Veterans for your business can be a great way to tap into a pool of highly motivated and skilled individuals. We’ll share several strategies to attract and hire Veterans.

Develop a Veterans Hiring Program

Create a formal Veterans hiring program or initiative within your organization to demonstrate your commitment to hiring Veterans. This program can include specific goals, policies, and procedures for hiring Veterans.

Educate Your Team

Train your HR staff and hiring managers on military culture, job skills, and how to interpret Veterans' resumes. Understanding their military experience can help in making more informed hiring decisions.

Recognize Transferable Skills

Understand that many skills developed in the military are transferable to various civilian jobs. Focus on the skills and experiences that align with your job openings rather than specific military roles.

Be Flexible with Job Requirements

When crafting job descriptions, be open to considering relevant experience, even if it doesn't exactly match the job title. Veterans often bring a wide range of skills that can be applied effectively in different roles.

Become a Partner Employer with the DOD SkillBridge Program

The program aims to support transitioning service members to develop additional skills for civilian employment. The goal is to help service members learn new skills in order to bridge their military experience to civilian occupations and employment opportunities. Service members remain on active duty during this training period and are not paid by the Partner Employer. More information for this program can be found at

Build a Veteran-Friendly Culture

Foster an inclusive and supportive work environment for Veterans. Recognize their achievements and contributions and encourage camaraderie among your Veteran and non-Veteran employees.

Provide Mentorship Opportunities

Implement mentorship programs where experienced Veterans can help newcomers transition to civilian life and your company. This support can be valuable in their onboarding process.

Offer Skill Training and Development

Invest in training and development programs that help Veterans adapt to your workplace and industry-specific needs.

Partner with Veterans Organizations

Collaborate with local Veterans' organizations, military bases, and VA career centers. They can help you connect with qualified Veterans looking for civilian employment opportunities.

Attend Job Fairs and Networking Events

Participate in job fairs, career expos, and networking events specifically targeted at Veterans. These events provide excellent opportunities to meet and recruit Veterans directly.

Use Online Job Boards

Post your job openings on websites dedicated to Veteran employment, such as Hire Veterans, Hire Heroes USA, and Veterans seeking employment frequent these platforms.

Highlight Veteran Benefits

Make sure Veterans are aware of any military-friendly benefits or policies your small business offers, such as including families by hiring military spouses, reservist pay, or a support group focused on the needs of veterans, active service personnel, and military spouses.

Streamline Your Hiring Process

Make your application process clear and straightforward. Veterans may be accustomed to structured processes, so a clear path to employment can be appealing.

By actively promoting your commitment to hiring Veterans and adapting your recruitment strategies, you can successfully attract and retain talented individuals who have served in the military. This not only benefits your business but also supports Veterans as they transition into civilian careers.

Need help attracting and hiring Veterans? TalentRemedy’s team of experts is here to help. Contact us at or 703-362-0175 to set up a time to discuss how our team can support you and your hiring needs.


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